Ian H. Sanders



Dec. 2021 - Present

Senior Software Engineer

  • Full-stack engineer working in React / TypeScript on the new GitHub Projects web application, solving challenging problems around performance, scalability, and user experience
  • Accessibility Champion: advocating for and training team members on how to develop software that is accessible to all developers

Galatea Associates / Credit Suisse

Financial software consulting firm that provides a fresh perspective to Wall Street banking

June 2020 - Dec. 2021

Software Engineer

  • Rearchitected Scala / Hadoop application processing $2.5B in daily inventory into microservices
  • Navigated the challenges of consulting for a 50k-employee bank in a remote team spread across 3 continents
  • Built client trust to propose and complete a 7-week rewrite of the Angular UI after 6 months on the team

Chromalloy Castings

International aerospace engineering firm specialising in casting jet turbine blades for aircraft engines

Oct. 2018 - Aug. 2019

Software Engineering and Data Science Intern

  • Built an integrated Python application / CAD plugin to use machine learning to efficiently classify component defects based on 100k+ 3D spacial data points
  • Launched a robust realtime data display for streaming live measurements to the manufacturing factory floor

USF Advanced Visualization Center

University department that creates custom data science and visualization tools for faculty research

Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2018

Web Application Developer

  • Developed a virtual reality teaching and exam tool with WebVR, including a successful 27-student trial user group

USF Society of Aeronautics and Rocketry (SOAR)

Student engineering organization that designs and competes with high-powered rockets and innovative payloads

July 2018 - May 2020

Chief of Finance / Vice President

  • Managed an engineering budget of more than $45k while leading USF's largest engineering student organization
July 2018 - June 2019

Launch Vehicle Engineering Lead / Project Manager

  • Led a team of 10 student engineers to design, test, and launch the 12ft-tall single-stage Apis III rocket
  • The team published 779 pages of reports, designed 647 parts in CAD, and achieved 97% accuracy in altitude




Faculty-supervised research project to release a free Python application for scoring multiple-choice exam sheets



Public JavaScript library with 110k weekly downloads that converts raw escaped strings to readable Unicode

Folding, Adjustable-Height Wheelchair

Engineering capstone project to prototype an adjustable wheelchair to enable users to access a wider range of table heights


University of South Florida

Aug. 2016 - May 2020

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering w/ Entrepreneurship Minor